Venue partnerships we have on tap include:

  1. the Edlab at Teachers College, Columbia University
  2. the Macro Center at Roger Williams University
  3. Tinker|Bristol, a manufacturing incubator and makerspace in Bristol, RI

Current projects we have on tap include

  1. Idiagramming the Financial System, a Superfiduciary Self-Discovery Day and DesignShops Series, with Marshall Clemens and Matt Taylor, in the EdLab at Teachers College, Columbia University
  2. HERO for a New Appalachia (and a new energy economy), in the Macro Center at Roger Williams University
  3. Tinkering with SeaPotential, for building an Ocean Energy Center of Excellence in the Ocean State, with Tinker|Bristol

Project News

Finalist_Team_BadgeMarch 1, 2016

Team SeaPotential, a Tinker|Bristol enterprise-in-residence that is also On Tap as an Evergreen Core superfiduciary R&D project recieved notice today, that they have been identified as a Finaliast in the Wave Energy Prize Contest.

Wave Energy Converter Design

Wave Energy Converter

pure marine logoDesigned in Belfast, Northern Ireland by


Being developed in the Americas by




an Evergreen Core Superfiduciary R&D project

evergreen logo




a Tinker|Bristol enterprise-in-residence





3rd of 9 Finalists in the Wave Energy Prize Competition

ranked third