
the evergreen process for designing for changes in cash flows

building amazing financial models that empower pensions and other superfiduciary stewards of society’s shared savings to create more by design by negotiating with enterprise on cash flow sharing, directly, to meet their fiduciary cash flow needs, indefinitely

managing technology risk (which is the only risk)
through priority paybacks out of cash flows
over a negotiated base case period

and by investing in an adaptively evolving portfolio of enterprises that changes over time, as times change, and people make prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes

matching cash inflows from an adaptively evolving portfolio of investments in enterprise cash flows to the cash outflows to pay costs and benefits

built on the clear and simple insight that
cash flow is happiness for enterprise…
and for retirement, and other
superfiduciary purposes

match the happiness of cash flow for enterprise
with the happiness of cash flow for superfiduciaries
together, directly

three steps in the process of matching enterprise cash flows to superfiduciary cash flows, directly


agreeing on strategy


modeling expectations


writing the private laws of negotiated agreement that give legal meaning and consequence to modeled expectations

the elements of strategy

The first step in building an amazing financial model that empowers superfiduciaries to create more by design is to agree a strategy for generating cash flows through enterprise.

We talk about enterprise as opposed to “corporation” because an enterprise is a physical coming-together of people to do work that creates wealth for themselves by adding to the wealth of choices available to others. A corporation is a legal form of ownership and control over enterprise.  The corporation is a legal form that is purpose built to fit the purposes of the Wall Street system.

We start with enterprise before it has been financed.

There are four elements to a complete strategy.

seeing a change taking place in the world about us that creates a need that is also an opportunity for evolving an effective adaptation to that change

The evergreen theory of investing in enterprise cash flows, directly, begins with a model of the economy as an expanding universe of intellectual and interpersonal connections between people for doing work and sharing wealth that is more or less constantly being reconfigured as times change, and people make prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes, adding new connections to new and better choices, and letting others go.

people in an open-ended evolution

The fundamental building block of this economy is technology, in the authentic Greek meaning of the word, as practical knowledge of how the world about us works, and how we can change the way the world works to make it work more a way we choose. The use of technology almost always requires a concentration of effort. It almost always produces a surplus of artifacts – in the anthropological sense of the word, as the work of human hands – in excess of what is needed by those who do the work to effect their own, individual choices.  This surplus can be traded with others for the surpluses created by their efforts, and voila! We have an economy, in which many can live much better, together, than any one individual can ever hope to live acting entirely on their own.

ideas in an evolving economy

All technology is provisional, suited to the circumstances, but subject to change as the circumstances change.

And the circumstances are always changing, not the least because we change them, when we make use of our technologies.

This is the true story of human history, and the real engine of our prosperity, through change, and evolutionary adaptation to change.

It begins with enterprise, and enterprising individuals, who see the way the times are changing and also see the way new technologies can be evolved in adaptation to that change.

When enterprise needs money, finance provides it.

Finance is how society chooses which technologies from making prosperous adaptations to life’s constant change can, should and will be pursued through enterprise.

pensions in an evolving economy

Giving us the simple, common sense truth that at the level of enterprise and technology, there is a universally applicable, predictably recurring pattern of rising and then falling popularity – and cash flow – over time, as times change, and people make prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes.

pulse beat of prosperity


The Wall Street system is built to ignore this common sense truth, and so it constantly gyrates through alternating cycles of boom and bust, as Finance finances growth, while the economy delivers change, and evolutionary adaptation to change. In the Wall Street system, we go and grow, until the economy will not support that growth. Then, we crash. After each crash, we pick up the pieces, make the necessary evolutionary adaptations, and get things going and growing again! Until the next crash. Every boom is really a bust that has not happened yet.

The evergreen system is built to recognize this simple, common sense truth, and to ride the ups and downs in technology popularity and enterprise cash flows.  There are no booms, and so, also, there are no busts. There is only sustained, and sustainable prosperity through change, and prosperous adaptation to life’s constant changes.


At the level of the enterprise, look for strategies for matching enterprise investments in organizational capacity to the predicted patterns of rising, recurring and eventually falling popularity for the technology the enterprise is organized to make available to others.

This is the story of the future history you want our retirement system, our university endowments and our endowed foundations to finance.

assembling a powerful and properly balanced set of the right capabilities for doing the work the enterprise is organized to do

complete and cohesive

brand and purpose


In the evergreen theory, enterprise is organized for a single purpose. That purpose is to monetize a portfolio of artifacts – used in the anthropological sense, as “works of human hands” – constructed through the application of a specific technology – used in the authentic Greek meaning of the word, as “practical knowledge of how the world about us works, and how we can change the way the world about us works, to make it work more a way we choose”.

This one-to-one identification of enterprise with technology is new with evergreen.

Or, is it really a return to the way things were BEFORE, before we invented the Wall Street system, and the corporation as a mutual fund managing a portfolio of enterprises evolving diverse and sometimes even disassociated technologies, in an effort to manufacture growth in share price through consolidation when there is no longer any real possibility for market expansion?

We see this as the simple, physical work of actually creating wealth. Success requires the right mix of:

  • Knowledge of the technology that the enterprise is organized to evolve, including and especially, an intuitive sense (this cannot be calculated) of its value to others;
  • Networks of connections to those other people and organizations who are not technically inside the enterprise, but whose contribution to the work of the enterprise is essential to its success, including those others who value the artifacts to be monetized, and who as customers provide the cash inflows that are happiness to every enterprise; and
  • Routines executed inside the enterprise for completing the work for which the enterprise is organized, effectively, efficiently and at the scale that the technology supports and that the market demands.
having contracts, commitments or courses of dealing in place with the right people for making the enterprise successful as a creator of value to others that generators cash flows from others



The currently dominant and default construct for thinking about enterprise is the management organizational chart.

In evergreen, we see this as an ownership and control construct. Not a wealth creating, cash flow generating construct.

Since our interest is in cash flows, we look at enterprise through a different construct, a cash flow construct.

every enterprise is on a journey of rising and then falling popularity over time, as times change, and people make prosperous adaptation’s to life’s constant changes

every enterprise needs to know where it is on its journey, and have a credible sense of the pattern that journey is likely to describe

One thing that happens when you do as evergreen does, and identify enterprise with one, specific technology, is that you acquire the capacity to  build an expectation for the future cash flow generating history of that enterprise based on the universally applicable pattern of rising and then falling popularity over time that applies to every technology, as times change, and people make prosperous adaptations to changing times.

This cannot be calculated with precision.  Technology is a creative process. Not a scientific process. It is a unique process, and not random.

New technologies evolve out of what was known before through a process of inquiry and insight that begins with dissappointment when what we think we know does not deliver the experience that knowledge leads us to expect. Changes are identified that make old knowledge no longer adequate to new experience. New knowledge of new experience is constructed to form new expectations that will be satisfied, more or less – and for a time. Until other things change, and new knowledge is once again needed to understand the new experience.

This is why the university, and the community, are so important to the evergreen method.

It is in the university and the community that we can and must look for early indications that a change is taking place in the economy that is creating the need and the opportunity for the evolution of a new technology which will diminish the popularity of currently popular choices.

This gives us a baseline pattern that we can use for managing technology risk, which is the only real risk in an investment in enterprise cash flows directly. (There are, of course, the human risks of dishonesty, inattentiveness and incompetence, but a properly exhaustive analysis of strategy should be sufficient to bring any such fatal flaws at the human level into focus. Then, the only prudent course of action is to simply choose not to do the deal.)

The primary tool for managing technology risk by superfiduciary sponsors of enterprise cash flows is the base case time period within which a fiduciary return is expected to be realized on a priority payout basis. Beyond this base case is the evergreen tail, which provides upside participation to superfiduciaries as an incremental reward for taking on technology risk in their investment.

It is important to get this base case right.

Too short a base case, and the financing places an undue burden on the enterprise. It also requires the superfiduciaries to find reinvestment opportunities with other enterprises sooner than is necessary, placing an undue burden on the superfiduciaries.

Too long a base case, and the investment may never actually return its fiduciary minimum.

Just right, and the investment is affordable, empowering and supportive of fiduciary purposes and prosperity in society more generally.

modeling cash flow expectations

the first step in monetizing enterprise strategies is reducing physical artifacts to unit volumes, and unit volumes into cash flows
costs of building the ecosystems and infrastructure within which the enterprise will operate, also known in accounting as capital expenses, or CAPEX
budgeting recurring costs of running the enterprise, known in accounting as operating expenses, or OPEX
every enterprise is on a journey of rising and then falling popularity over time, as times change, and people make prosperous adaptation’s to life’s constant changes

every enterprise needs to know where it is on its journey, and have a credible sense of the pattern that journey is likely to describe

the money remaining in the enterprise after OPEX are deducted from Revenues
amortization schedules for expected borrowings to manage cash flows efficiently
allowances for taxes to be incurred by the enterprise, often not included in the enterprise modeling because a limited liability company structure passes the tax accounting through to the members of the company
calculating the allocations of cash flow after debt and taxes between the enterprise leadership and their superfiduciary sponsors

writing the private laws of negotiated priorities that give legal meaning and consequence to modeled expectations

the form of legal entity through which the enterprise financing will pass
ownership or leasehold interests in real estate, fixtures, equipment and intellectual property
agreements with third parties for services or supplies
required approvals from governmental authorities or private third parties
expert commitments to facts and conditions
expert opinions on engineering, law, etc.

using the university as a fiduciary space for connecting enterprises seeking financing from superfiduciaries with superfiduciaries seeking enterprises to finance

the process of evolving new technologies for making prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes begins with enterprising individuals who see a change taking place that creates a need that is also an opportunity for designing something new that is more fit for purpose under the changing circumstances of the times
it takes a village to evolve an enterprise, and every new enterprise needs to find a community that shares its vision and promotes its future
“policy” means government, as a proxy for the larger community
as a fiduciary space for figuring out if the enterprise strategy can support the capital required
a new role for philanthropy as both grant maker and impact investor, funding the build-out in anticipation of a superfiduciary take-out
as enterprise demonstrates its staying power in the physical economy, it becomes prudent for superfiduciaries to invest, providing an exit to philanthropy as impact investors

using an evergreen portfolio to generate adequate fiduciary cash flows, indefinitely

riding the flourish and fade of prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes

valuing history and the humanities

designing for change in context

creating prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes is an evolutionary process

change is not random

adaptation to change is not spontaneous

being able to see the changes coming, and to create prosperous adaptations by design does require a sufficiently broad vision of where we are now, where we used to be, and how we got to where we are from where we use to be

if we cannot see our past

then we will crash into our future

Further Reading

Coming soon!

The evergreen enterprise
paradigm shift

from managing growth
to managing technology