Peace Cafes: 2020 Series – Session 2

exploring new
theories of change
on climate change
currently popular theories of change



instead of trying to push the current system to take action on climate inaction, we evolved the next system to finance a managed transition from our present future history of corporate financed, fossil fueled climate conflict, to a new future history of stewardship financed, new energy powered climate peace?

A 10-Step Plan
- Solicit Requests for Proposals from Visionary Individuals Leading Creative Enterprises for managing a global transition from a fossil fueled future climate and social nonpeace to a new energy future of climate peace and social peace
- Organize a consortium of University Endowments, Endowed Foundations, Pension Funds and other Superfiduciary Stewards of Society’s Superfunds to finance qualifying proposals
- Qualifying proposals will included plans for taking one or more fossil energy companies out of public ownership, where they are required by the structure of the public markets to prioritize cash flows for Growth, and
- Placing them into stewardship through investment agreements for prioritizing cash flows for Peace: Earth Peace and People Peace
- Stopping stewardship financed fossil energy companies from funding campaigns of climate denial and lobbying for fossil fuels
- Starting stewardship financed fossil energy companies funding campaigns of climate awareness and lobbying for new energy research and laws supporting commercialization of new energy choices
- Investing in new projects/enterprises for generating energy and cash flows from new energy sources, to replace energy and cash flow generation from fossil fuels
- Winding down fossil energy and cash flow generation as we ramp up energy and cash flows from new energy sources.
- Placing idled fossil fuel resources into perpetual conservation trusts for land restoration and regeneration (earth healing) and open space use (people healing)
- Working with government and private organizations to steward the movement of displaced fossil energy workers into new trades or professions, or entrepreneurship

theories of change
on climate change