The University
Peace Gardens
Building New Centers of Superfund Finance

putting Finance into the Humanities,
so we can put humanity into Finance
We have a vision for creating a new global network of fiduciary spaces that will be safe places for hosting and curating two different but related conversations held in the same place, at the same time:
- one for evolving standards of superfiduciary prudence;
- the other for agreeing an investment.
We see these new fiduciary spaces as safe places for individual and civic engagement with a new language of money for popular participation in adaptively evolving the extraordinary prudence of superfiduciary stewards of society’s superfunds investing to create by design a new future history of more that is better for more, pursuing a new prosperity, of peace, by constantly evolving a new and better considered past, for the sake of a new and better imagined future.

Today we speak a language of money as Modern Finance. Through this contemporary language of money, we associate ownership with investment and management with stewardship. Ownership demands Growth, as the pathway to prosperity. Through this language, we create a legal duty and moral obligation for Management to give Ownership the Growth it demands.
In this world created by the language of Modern Finance, humanity lives on the creative edge of an infinitely receding horizon, out of which we can always take more, and into which the consequences of our taking will disappear, seemingly without consequence.
In the new computer connected, globally evolving, adaptive networks economy of the 21st Century, we ventured into Space in search of a Final Frontier. When we got there, all we found was rocks. We also found this New Reality.
We have the earth, and it is well and truly ours. Also, it is what we have. There are no other known, inhabitable planets.
The earth is our garden. We must become good global gardeners.

A New Language of Money, for Pursuing a New Prosperity, of Peace
In this new world, we need a new language of money, a language that associates stewardship with investment, and ownership with management, a language in which investment demands Peace: the peace of sufficient surpluses circulating sufficiently throughout the populations and across the generations in patterns that are reasonably inclusive and fundamentally fair, changing, evolving and adapting with the flourish and fade of the social contracts between enterprise and popular choice, as times change and humanity evolves prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes through inquiry, insight, enterprise and exchange, making new choices more popular as better fit to changing times, and letting previously popular choices fade into history, as a good fit at an earlier time, constantly moving towards a new Utopia of more that is better for more.
We see this new language of money for investing in peace as a new language of Superfund Finance spoken by the superfudiciary stewards of society’s superfunds – our actuarial risk pools for insurance and pensions, endowments for education and philanthropy and sovereign wealth funds – investing to optimize the flourish and fade of the social contracts between enterprise and popular choice through investment agreements for prioritizing cash flows, for peace, negotiated directly with the visionary leaders of creative enterprises, accountable to popular choice through the laws of fiduciary prudence and the adaptively evolving common sense and common wisdom of The Hypothetical Reasonable Person as the legal standard of ordinary prudence for ordinary fiduciaries, and extraordinary prudence for superfiduciary stewards of society’s superfunds.
New Places for Speaking the New Language of Money for Pursuing Peace
We also need new places that are both educational and fiduciary spaces, for teaching and learning the new language of money for pursuing a new prosperity of peace, and for putting that learning into action through popular participation in curated conversations among People Who Care, superfiduciary stewards of society’s superfunds and visionary leaders of creative enterprises about our future history of peace and prosperity, as it can, should and will be made to be through inquiry, insight, enterprise and exchange, finance and governance.
We see the existing global university network of knowledge-based, multi-national, multi-cultural, diverse and inclusive places of inquiry and learning developing Peace Gardens within, or as enhancements to, their existing the new physical and intellectual facilities and faculties to become the new Financial Centers for speaking a new language of money as Superfund Finance, for pursuing a new prosperity, of Peace.
constructing the best
investments for meeting the
twin fiduciary duties of
superfiduciary superfunds,
to this generation,
and the next,
to individuals,
and society
providing a
technician’s answer
to this technical
“How can I generate adequate cash flows, forever?”

empowering an existential
conversation with
People Who Care
What future history of humanity’s pursuit of prosperity can, should and will we choose to make?

this is not the Invisible Hand of

it is the transparently visible hand of
leaders of
stewards of
People Who Care
engaging in curated conversations for adaptively evolving the common sense and common wisdom of The Hypothetical Reasonable Person as the legal standard of ordinary prudence for ordinary fiduciaries, and of extraordinary prudence for the superfiduciary stewards of society’s superfunds
New Places for the Study of Prosperous Adaptation to Life’s Constant Changes through Inquiry, Insight, Enterprise and Exchange, Finance and Government

Our Uniquely and Essentially Human Way of Being in the World
We start with these two truths about our uniquely human way of being in the world:
- we are born into a world that is not of our own making;
- we are endowed with capabilities, through inquiry and insight, to figure out how the world about us works, and how we can change the way the world about us works, to make it work more a way we choose to make it, and through enterprise to collaboratively co-create surpluses of insights put into action for sharing through exchange.
The changes that we choose to make to the world about us as we find make changes that we did not choose. Also, the world about us is always constantly changing in ways we did not choose and did not cause. So our times are constantly changing, creating new possibilities for taking the world about us as it changes, and changing it again, to make it more a way we choose to make it. These possibilities create the need that is also the opportunity for successive rounds of inquiry, insight, enterprise and exchange, as times change, and humanity evolves prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes.
This makes us both uniquely enterprising and essentially historical. We make many different things through our inquiries, our insights and our enterprises for exchanging surpluses, but we always make is history: the history of humanity’s pursuit of prosperity, through inquiry, insight, enterprise and exchange, finance and governance.

This history is made in these movements:
- Visionary individuals see the possibilities for evolving prosperous adaptations to one of life’s constant changes through enterprise and exchange.
- When Vision needs money to organize and expand Enterprise, Finance provides it.
- Government regulates both Enterprise and Finance.
- Popular choices holds Enterprise, Finance and Government accountable for getting it right.
Before there can be Enterprise, or Finance, or Government, there must first be inquiry, and insight. This happens:
- first, aesthetically, through art & philosophy;
- then, formulaically, through science & design; and
- then, technologically, through engineering & making
seeing the possibilities for a future history of peace and prosperity, as it can, should and will be made to be through inquiry, insight, enterprise and exchange, finance and governance

A New Philosophy of the History of Humanity’s Pursuit of Prosperity




earth peace and people peace,
peace with ourselves,
and with each other,
with our planet,
and with our future,
the peace of
sufficient surpluses
circulating sufficiently
throughout the populations,
and across the generations,
in patterns that are
reasonably inclusive and
fundamentally fair,
flowing along with
the flourish and fade
of the social contract
between enterprise
and popular choice,
as times change,
and humanity evolves
prosperous adaptations
to life’s constant changes
through inquiry, insight, enterprise and exchange,
episodically making new choices more popular
as better fit to changing times, and
letting previously popular choices
fade into history
as a good fit to an earlier time,
always moving towards
a future of more
that is better
for more
“Whatever you are doing,
it’s OK.
You are

Don Draper



the journey of enterprise to the happiness of self-funding cash flows

the flourish and fade of the social contract between enterprise and popular choice as times change, and humanity evolves prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes through inquiry, insight, enterprise and exchange, finance and governance, accountable to popular choice making new choices more popular as better fit to changing times, while letting previously popular choices fade into history as a good fit at an earlier time

- What will we choose?
- How will we choose?
- Where will we choose?
- Who will choose for us?
New Places for Enterprise Design through Investment Decision-Making
a technical/analytical approach to enterprise design

a more existential/emotional approach

Knowledge is the roots; the passion that inspires the visionary leaders.
Routines is the trunk and branches; the practice of the enterprise.
Networks are the fruit; the social contract with popular choice which gives the enterprise its cash flows, which are its purpose and reason for being.

A Prudent
Base Case

Modeling Expected Cash Flows

Writing the Private Laws of Negotiated Agreement On Prioritizing Cash Flows That Give Legal Meaning And Consequence to Modeled Expectations

The New City Beautiful
the new university as Peace Garden within the city centers of urban clusters of bioregional uniqueness


Curated Conversations

Principles of Good Stewardship

Exploring New Possibilities

Let’s discuss
& Design
Practical Questions
- How does the university make money doing this?
- What investments must the university make in order to become the host and curator of conversations with common sense and common wisdom about superfiduciary stewardship investments in enterprising visions for evolving prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes?
- Who will bring projects to the university?
- How will they make money?
adding new to the university