drill down on the principal plot points in the journey
from the happiness of cash flow
to restoring integrity to all the capitalisms
![evergreen peace story poster 1 small](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/evergreen-peace-story-poster-1-small.png?resize=630%2C975)
![evergreen peace story poster 2 small](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/evergreen-peace-story-poster-2-small.png?resize=630%2C975)
![evergreen peace story poster 3 small](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/evergreen-peace-story-poster-3-small.png?resize=630%2C975)
![evergreen peace story poster 4 small](https://i1.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/evergreen-peace-story-poster-4-small.png?resize=303%2C468)
![evergreen peace story poster 5 small](https://i1.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/evergreen-peace-story-poster-5-small.png?resize=630%2C975)
![evergreen peace story poster 6 small](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/evergreen-peace-story-poster-6-small.png?resize=630%2C975)
![evergreen peace story poster 6 small](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/evergreen-peace-story-poster-6-small.png?resize=630%2C975)
Restoring Integrity To All Of The Capitalisms
![people watching from the right](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/people-watching-from-the-right.png?resize=212%2C220)
![a new alliance](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/a-new-alliance.png?resize=1100%2C619)
With civic engagement in prudent stewardship investing giving us a new power grip for Peace, we can begin constructing a new alliance between Impact and Stewardship.
A big challenge to Impact in the current future story of growth is the need for an exit.
Stewardship can provide that exit.
In the new future story of evergreen, we can now map the different social structures of investment onto the flourish and fade of popular choice to write a new story of investment in enterprise that:
begins with Family & Friends “seeding” the design of an enterprising new idea, maybe for personal reasons that include wanting to sponsor enterprises that have socially responsible, triple bottom line impacts on society;
that creates the need and the opportunity for philanthropy to make grants to support expeditions of exploratory design into the social and intellectual moments that may be creating the need and the possibility for evolving this new choice – such as by sponsoring Macro Projects in university fiduciary spaces for civic engagement and investment in Peace
that creates the need and the opportunity for governments to exercise their power of taxing and spending — seen more authentically as the power to invest in the infrastructure for Peace and prosperity within the sector of the global network economy they have authority over – to construct properly supportive public infrastructures of new enterprise for peace and prosperity
that will launch enterprising new ideas on their own authentic journeys of flourishing popularity that will in some cases create opportunities for accelerated growth suitable for financing through securities trading
prudent debt can be used to provide transactional liquidity, bridging the mismatches in cash inflows and outflows that are a common feature of commerce
that will bring new enterprise to a point of stabilization and positive cash flow generation that aligns well with the cash flow needs of superfiduciary stewardship of income security.
A final stage in the design of enterprise has to consider that in the fulness of time, the times will change and the popularity of that enterprise and the artifacts it offers to others will fade, and new possibilities are explored and new choices are made. This is an important part of prudence in stewardship investing: not to pretend like this is never going to happen, but instead to anticipate and prepare for it. Proper preparation for the next generation of change, and prosperous adaptation to life’s constant changes is an important part of investing in peace.
Right now, however, I want to direct your attention to this new possibility for a new alignment between Impact and Stewardship that becomes possible once stewardship becomes empowered to provide an exit to Impact by taking the enterprise evergreen.
The point of transfer is stabilization, which we take from Real Estate, where a new building is considered “stabilized” once its rent roles have been sufficiently filled up, and it is generating cash flows that support the enterprise — every building is a kind of enterprise – including the investment made to construct that enterprise.
Applying this pattern to other enterprises gives us a framework for designing the point of entry by Impact in the build-out phase and the point of exit by Impact by passing the investment on to stewardship investors, who convert it to evergreen.
![entry, exit and endpoints](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/entry-exit-and-endpoints.png?resize=1100%2C718)
this interesting thing happens
when superfiduciaries start providing an exit
the market starts functioning progressively again
it’s a win-win, across the board
everything starts working better, and more authentically
![working well again](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/working-well-again.png?resize=1100%2C240)
restoring integrity to all of the capitalisms
talking with stewards about peace and prosperity
on site
on line
![LOGO - 2016-03-15-2258 - evergreencore.org FINAL 72dpi-04](https://i1.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/LOGO-2016-03-15-2258-evergreencore.org-FINAL-72dpi-04.png?resize=400%2C100)
evergreen is
civic engagement in peace-aligned enterprise design through prudent stewardship investment decision-making
generating enough cash flows to support good stewardship of income security, indefinitely, by investing in enterprise cash flow generation, directly
riding the flourish and fade of popular choice, as times change, and we, the people, evolve prosperous adaptations to life’s constant changes
in a network economy that is adaptively evolving an expanding wealth of choices for how people can take the world about us as we find it, and change it to be more a way we choose to make it
contributing to the creation of conditions of peace
and a prosperity that is provisional, uneven but not unfair ~
![umbrella of peace -blue](https://i2.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/umbrella-of-peace-blue.png?resize=495%2C482)
![peace-stewardship-civic engagement](https://i0.wp.com/evergreencore.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/peace-stewardship-civic-engagement.png?resize=580%2C720)