At we are intensely engaged in the work of showing the world the power and the possibilities for superfiduciary self- and other-discovery and a movement of superfiduciaries towards evergreen.

The challenge is multi-dimensional, because the discoveries are at once both conceptual and practical, which means the words we need to share the meanings we are creating do not yet exist.  We have to make them up.

People react with surprisingly vehement hostility to this process of inventing a new vocabulary through which to construct a new vernacular of wider understanding and more hopeful expectation.

This is perhaps where Art can help.  Maybe through art, we can construct new images that generate new emotional resonances that will make people want to find new words through which to express and articulate these new resonances.

What are the emotional resonances that the concepts and actions of superfiduciaries going evergreen can and should engender?

What are the images and artistic expressions that can engender those resonances?

What do you think?